Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"E.T. The Extra Terrestrial"

This is a film that as a child I remember scaring me, making me laugh, and fascinating me the entire way through.  It has literally been over a decade since I saw this film, and I should not have let that much time pass.  This is one of the films that as a kid cemented my love of science fiction and space.  The wonderful thing about ET is that it is science fiction, aliens and all, with an incredibly human feel and distinct human element

I will not bore anyone with the details of the plot itself.  The movie is Iconic at this point, and it is really fun to hear those iconic lines (ET phone home,) and of course see the iconic shot of Elliot and ET flying on the bike across the moon.  Seeing this tonight reminds me that to make a great film, there does not need to be tons of action, violence, etc.  (Though that can make a film enjoyable)  For this film, a great story, close friendship, and an unforgettable Extra Terrestrial are all that is required.


I cannot remember the last time I saw E.T. but its been awhile so I only remembered bits and pieces. After watching this movie once again, all I can say is Wow. What an incredible and beautiful story.

E,T. has to be the most lovable alien I have ever seen in a movie. His shy curiosity makes you laugh and endears him to your heart. And the kids who host E.T. during his stay do an incredible job. And of course its fun to see Drew Barrymore as a young child.

As we were watching the movie tonight I said to David, something to the extent of how kids should be watching these kinds of movies as opposed to some of the less tasteful films out there. E.T. is pure adventure with an abundance of heart and it speaks to the imagination of every kid, the what ifs, the why nots...

In our society today, even though I love technology as much as the next person, I worry about the future generations growing up with too much media (t.v., video/computer games/I-Pods/I-Phones, etc.) and loosing that simple exploration of the imagination. I remember as a kid going outside and playing in the woods with our neighbor, making up spy games and just having fun without being in front of a screen. I hope we don't ever lose that unadulterated desire to explore and to imagine the impossible.

If I was going to sum up what I feel after watching E.T., I would have to say, hope. For some reason it makes me feel hopeful for what is to come, for what may be out there that we don't know. Anything is possible.


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