Friday, February 24, 2012


So first let me say that the only reason we own this is because it came in a cheap three pack with two other 'Ahnold' movies that I wanted, (namely 'True Lies' and 'Predator.')  As such, I actually had never seen this movie until watching it this evening.  Lets say that I wasn't surprised by its cliche action lines and ridiculous amount of explosiveness....but I wasn't entirely disappointed either.  By itself, I would never buy this film, but I wouldn't say that my hour and a half was wasted.  I was...lets say mildly entertained.  That could be the pizza and beer I enjoyed talking however.  I don't think a synopsis of this film is necessary.  Arnold is betrayed (notice how we never use his character name...he is just Arnold,) he kills everyone that crossed him, is ridiculously accurate firing automatic weapons from the hip, and the guys he is fighting are worse shots than stormtroopers.  If you have nothing else to watch, watch 'Commando'... or maybe read a book.


Commando. What can I say. The best thing about watching this movie is that we get to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic next. Okay, okay, in all honesty it wasn't that bad. Not that it's a film that will blow you away (although many of Arnold's foes meet that fate), but it did have some good one-liners, suspenseful action, and two good actresses. I really enjoyed the gal playing Arnold's daughter, who I most recognized as the actress from Charmed. I also thought the woman who becomes Arnold's side kick did a nice job, and she's apparently the daughter of Chong from Cheech and Chong. (I only know that because we looked her up afterwards.)

This isn't really my type of movie, too much killing and blowing things up, although since it was made in the 80's, much of it is somewhat comical. However, I could do without the pitchfork killing that Arnold pulls off so well.

That being said, if you like ripped Arnold, suspense, and 80's special affects, you just might enjoy this film.


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