Sunday, August 29, 2010

One couple's attempt to watch every movie they own from A to Z.

For many years, movies have been a large part of the backbone of American Culture.  Now before I go any further, let it be known that I am not an expert on movies, American culture, or Backbones, so I write completely from a layman's perspective.  At the end of this journey however, I expect that I will be at least be somewhat more knowledgeable when it comes to movies, and may have even developed a finer sense for this culture we live in that loves to love and sometimes loves to hate film .  (I may even learn a thing or two about backbones!)  The next months and probably years will expose me to movies that I have mostly (although not in all cases) seen before...over 200 of them.  All movies that my wife and I have amassed both before we were married, as gifts to each other, and as impulse purchases from the $5.00 rack at Target.  The two of us will offer what will often probably be a differing perspective on what we have seen, and just tell you how the movie made us feel.  I guarantee that there will be films she loves that I will love to hate...and visa-versa.  Now to some, this may sound like a complete waste of time, but I like to think of it as cultivating the creative process...all from the comfort of my own couch. 


You sit down in that big overstuffed, yet amazingly comfortable easy-chair. An over sized bowl of popcorn and soda pop by your side. Or maybe some Ice-cream. And M'M's. And Reese pieces. But I'm getting off track. Movies. They can make us laugh, they can make us cry, they can make us jump out of our seats, or pace with nervous energy as the intensity unfolds. Movies can be a great way to escape from reality, or can cause us to look at an issue differently than we had before. David and I have been married for 3 1/2 years. Over that time, and including those brought from before we we're married, we have accumulated more than 200 movies. While we do share similar tastes most of the time, there are those genre's that one desires more than the other. David loves the historical war movies, where seeing Braveheart once is enough for me. I enjoy those lighthearted chick flicks, such as Mamma Mia, where for him, seeing it once was more than enough. Looking through all our movies we realize that there are movies we own, that one or the other has never seen. Or even those that both of us have never seen!

At times we have trouble picking out just the right movie to watch for the evening. So, this idea came about as a way to watch all the movies we own, in alphabetical order, and while doing so, we will write our thoughts about the film; whether we enjoyed it, or not, any messages we we're particularly struck by, and who know what else. Our goal is to watch at least 2 movies a week from our list, so this will take quite a while. But we're both looking forward to exercising our blogging skills and perhaps seeing some old movies in new ways.



  1. Exciting stuff! Can't wait for some movie recommendations, I like Braveheart and Mama Mia, so I can't wait to see what each of you think. Put a background on this blog, for crying out loud!

  2. Very interesting - I don't personally own any movies, but am always getting new ones from the Library... some I fast forward through or toss and others I would watch again... Good luck.
