Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Down Periscope"

'Down Periscope' is one of those comedies that is really fun to get out and watch about once a year.  If I remember correctly I picked this up in the five dollar bin at Target, and it was worth the five bucks....probably no more however.

As a simple fun comedy, this film has it all.  Slapstick, puns, and a good fart joke.  Even a good pirate scene in which the chief of the boat walks the plank.  Kelsey Grammer stars as Commander Dodge, a somewhat washed up Naval officer who just doesn't have the correct attitude, (or support from his superiors) to be given his own sub command...that is until an Admiral played by Rip Torn, has an idea for a war game.  Dodge is given command of an antiquated diesel powered submarine and asked to infiltrate two major US naval bases.  What ensues is a mess, but a very funny mess.

'Down Periscope' is another of our movies that is perfect for the evening when you need something to watch and not be overly serious.  As we watch this...the first 2012 presidential debate is being aired...yes, we listened to some of it, but frankly....this is way more fun.


This is a really fun movie. Kelsey Grammar is in top form, as the slightly unconventional submarine commander with a somewhat famous tattoo. Rip Torn also does well, as do all the men of the diesel submarine, which participates in a series of war games.

I have found myself laughing on several occasions, enjoying the sophomoric humor and one specific "walking the plank" scene where you can't help but smile. And of the course the slightly electrocuted electrician is always good for a laugh.

If you enjoy a good comedy and the acting capabilities of Kelsey Grammer, I would definitely recommend this movie. There's not much more else to say expect, it's fun.
